
November 2012 to March 2013

Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/01


Media Protocol


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has agreed a media protocol for the Police and Crime Commissioners Office

Date of Decision:

20th November 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

Chief Executive

Decision Ref:



Joint Interim Scheme of Governance, Financial Regulations and Standing Orders relating to Contracts


The Commissioner and Chief Constable have considered and agreed to adopt an interim governance framework on the basis of the attached documents.

Date of Decision:

22nd November 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

201201-Appendix 2012-01-Scheme-of-Governance

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Establishment of an interim Combined Audit Committee


The Commissioner and Chief Constable considered and approved the establishment of an interim combined Audit Committee comprising of the following 4 members for the period from 22 November 2012 to 31 March 2013 (with an option to extend until 31 March 2014). The quorum for the Committee will be three.

Mr D Soper
Mr K Williams
Mrs P Goulding
Ms J Pratt

Date of Decision:

30th November 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Appointment of the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner


The Commissioner has considered and agreed to notify the Police and Crime Panel for Lancashire that he proposes to appoint Mr Ibrahim Master as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire.

Date of Decision:

30th November 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/04


Appointment of Assistant Police and Crime Commissioners


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has appointed three Assistant Police and Crime Commissioners for Lancashire for a 13 month period from 1 December 2012 to the end of December 2013.

Date of Decision:

7th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

DEL-201204-AppointmentofAPCCsDecision DEL-2012-04-AppointmentAPCCsbriefingpaper

Decision Maker:

Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/02


Settlement of Claim


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has has approved the settlement of solicitor costs in respect of a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

11th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/03


Settlement of Claim


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has agreed costs in settlement of a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

11th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

Chief Executive

Decision Ref:


Acceptance of a Tender


The Commissioner and Chief Constable have agreed to award the contract to Xerox UK Ltd, for the supply, installation and maintenance of multi-functional devices, network printers, and facsimile machines for the period 1st November, 2012 to 31st October, 2017, with the option to extend the contract until 31st October, 2019.

Date of Decision:

14th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Approval for Multi-Agency safeguarding Hub


The Commissioner and the Chief Constable have approved the Constabulary occupation of leased accommodation to support a Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in partnership with other safeguarding agencies, on a 3 year basis, with an annual break clause.

Date of Decision:

14th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2012-05-MASH 2012-05-MASH-App-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Holmes 3 Upgrade


The Commissioner has agreed to support the HOLMES 3 project and provisionally approve one off capital funding of £0.530m and ongoing revenue funding of £0.090m per annum (for 6 years).

Date of Decision:

14th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2012-06-Holmes-Upgrade 2012-06-Holmes-Upgrade-Annex-A 2012-06-Holmes-Upgrade-Annex-B

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Capital Budget monitoring as at October 2012


The Commissioner has noted the forecast out turn position on the 2012/13 capital programme and agreed to additional contributions from revenue to fund some additional works identified during the course of the year.

Date of Decision:

14th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2012-07-Capital-Budget-Monitoring 2012-07-Capital-Budget-Monitoring-App-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Revenue Budget monitoring as at October 2012


The Commissioner has noted the forecast out turn position for 2012/13.

Date of Decision:

14th December 2012

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Treasury Management 2012/13 Quarterly Monitoring


The Commissioner has received and noted an update report on the treasury management activity that has been undertaken in the current financial year and the overall performance against the agreed strategy and prudential indicators.

Date of Decision:

16th January 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Approval of first allocation from the Community Safety Fund for 2013-2014


The Commissioner has considered and approved the allocation of funding from the Community Safety Fund 2013-2014 to the two unitary authority Community Safety Partnerships, for use in the Lancashire 12 Areas, use by the three Drug and Alcohol Action Teams and for a Joint Triage Scheme proposed by the three Youth Offending Teams.

Date of Decision:

1st February 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2012-10-CommunitySafetyFundAppendixB CommunitySafetyFund201314AppendixA CommunitySafetyFund201314DecisionPaper

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



2012/13 Capital Monitoring Position as at 31 December 2012


The Commissioner has considered the Capital Monitoring Position as at December 2012 and:

1) noted the forecast underspend of £5.147m on the 2012/13 capital programme of which;

•£1.323m related to slippage on schemes that needed to be carried out in 2013/14;

•£3.354m related to schemes that were planned for 2012/13 but had been deferred to future years; and

•£0.470m related to underspends on current capital projects and schemes that were no longer required.

2) noted the requirement for the funding for schemes that had slipped or been deferred to be carried forward to 2013/14;

3) noted that £470k of the capital programme was available for re-investment in other capital schemes due to underspends on schemes that had completed or for schemes that were no longer required; and

4) noted that almost £11m of capital investment would have been carried out by 31st March 2013 ensuring that the organisation’s infrastructure assets remained robust and fit for purpose.

Date of Decision:

15th February 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2012-11-201213CapitalMonitoringPositionasat31December2012 201213CapitalMonitoringReportasat311212AppendixA

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



2012/13 Revenue Monitoring as at 31 December 2012


The Commissioner considered the 2012/13 Revenue Position as at 31 December 2012 and:

1) noted the forecast underspend of £4.065m on the 2012/13 budget;

2) noted the receipt of additional income of £1.2m from policing the Open Golf and the one-off grant as a contribution to the costs for providing support to the London Olympics and agreed that this be added to the Operational Policing Reserve in order to manage the additional costs of any planned or un-planned events that may arise in the future;

3) agreed that DFM carry forward balances be reduced to 1% for 2012/13 and that as a consequence of this £2.296m be transferred into the transitional change reserve in order to assist with the delivery of the financial strategy in future years;

4) has requested further information be provided on the use of the proposed innovation fund including:

Details of proposed partnering

Business case particularly in relation to C3PO upgrades

Review of existing licence provision and confirmation of licensing efficiency work.

5) noted the potential for additional ill health retirements and that a further report setting out the details and the financial implications would be presented in the near future.

Date of Decision:

15th February 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Capital programme 2013/14-2017/18


The Commissioner has considered a report on the 2013/14 to 2017/18 Capital Programme and:

1) noted the proposed capital programme for 2013/14 – 2017/18 and the method of financing;

2) agreed the capital programme for 2013/14 and the method of financing; and

3) agreed the prudential indicators as set out at Appendix D to the report now presented.

Decision Ref:



2013/14 Revenue Budget


The Police and Crime Commissioner has approved the following in respect of the 2013/14 Budget requirement and precept:

1. That the resultant net budget requirement for 2013 / 14 of £258.733 million and consequent Band D Council Tax of £152.92 (a 2% increase on 2012/13 levels) be approved as follows:-

Net Budget 258.733

External resources 198.209


Plus: Share of net deficits on District Councils’ Collection Funds in 2012/13


Police Authority Council Tax Requirement 2012 / 13 60.656

Council Tax Base Band D equivalents 396,652
Band D Council Tax £152.92

2. On the basis of the above and the fixed ratios between valuation bands set by the Government, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s council tax for each valuation would be

Band A 101.95
Band B 118.94
Band C 135.93
Band D 152.92
Band E 186.90
Band F 220.88
Band G 254.87
Band H 305.84

3. Based on each district and unitary council’s proportion of the total Band D equivalent tax base of 396,652, the share of the total Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire’s precept of £60,656,201 to be levied on each council would be:

Blackburn with Darwen 4,673,258
Blackpool 5,267,195
Burnley 3,196,957
Chorley 5,008,148
Fylde 4,192,776
Hyndburn 2,801,352
Lancaster 5,673,352
Pendle 3,329,050
Preston 5,232,635
Ribble Valley 3,219,436
Rossendale 2,763,733
South Ribble 5,104,133
West Lancashire 5,033,941
Wyre 5,160,235


4. The Police and Crime Commissioner noted the one-off transition grant for the localisation of council tax schemes and that this would be held in general reserves to assist with meeting the financial challenges in future years.

5. The Police and Crime Commissioner agreed the 2013/14 delegated budget for the Constabulary and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Date of Decision:

15th February 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/05


Deployment of a police officer to the UK Football Policing Unit


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has approved the deployment of a police officer to the UK Football Policing Unit on the 26 March 2013 in support of national and international policing commitments.

Date of Decision:

11th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision Maker:

Chief Executive

Decision Ref:



Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2013/14


The Commissioner has approved the Treasury Management Policy Framework for 2013/1.

Date of Decision:

13th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Police and Crime Plan


The Commissioner has approved the content of the Police and Crime Plan 2013-18.

Date of Decision:

15th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2012-16-Police-and-Crime-Plan-Decision 2012-16-PCP-Appendix

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Approval of further allocation from the Community Safety Fund for 2013-201


The Commissioner has considered and approved the allocation of funding from the Community Safety Fund 2013-2014 to the two unitary authority Community Safety Partnerships to further support Domestic Abuse services in their areas, to the Lancashire Sport Partnership and Groundwork for the Positive Futures programme and to support the work of the Inside Out programme in Preston Prison

Date of Decision:

15th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision-2012-17-Appendix-A Decision-2012-17-Appendix-B Decision-2012-17-re-CSF

Decision Ref:



Extension of the Interim Combined Audit Committee


The Commissioner has approved:

1) an extension of the existing arrangements for the Interim Combined Audit Committee until March 2014; and

2) the revised terms of reference, as recommended by the Committee at its first meeting on 25 February 2013.

Date of Decision:

20th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



The Acceptance of tenders to provide forensic analytical services to Lancashire Constabulary


The Commissioner has given approval for Lancashire Constabulary to use the Contracts arranged by the West Coast Forensic Procurement Consortium for the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2016 with the option to extend to 31 March 2017.

Date of Decision:

20th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/06


Settlement of Claim


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has approved the settlement of solicitor costs in respect of a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

28th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

DEL 2012/07


Settlement of Claim


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has approved the settlement of solicitor costs in respect of a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

28th March 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

Chief Executive
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