Accessibility Options

Increasing text size – additional options

If you would like to increase the text size on this website, you can easily change it in your browser settings.

If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to the View menu, select Text Size and then either Larger or Largest.

If you use Mozilla Firefox, go to the ‘View Menu’, select ‘Text Size’ and the select ‘Increase’.  You can also increase the text size by using the keyboard, pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘+’ at the same time.

Changing colours

Changing the site’s background colour can be particularly useful for users who rely on magnification technology as white can produce an uncomfortable glare. It is also possible to change the colour of body text on the site.

Both can be achieved by changing preferences in your browser:

If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to the Tools menu, select Internet Options, select Colours and make changes to text and background colours in the Colours panel.

If you use Mozilla Firefox, go to the ‘Tools’ menu, select ‘Options’ and select the ‘Font and Colours’ button.  From here you can over ride the colours used on this site by ticking the boxes marked ‘Always use my: Fonts’ and ‘Always use my: Colors’.  You can also specify which colours you prefer text and links to be displayed in, and which background colour should show on the page. You can also choose colours to be used for links your have previously visited and links when your mouse hovers over them.

Useful links

The following websites will have useful advice and information about web accessibility.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

Guidelines for UK Government websites

RNIB web access centre

Equality and Human Rights Commission