Independent Custody Visitors

Improvements for the welfare of detainees

Independent Custody Visitor (ICV) recommendations can require the police to make improvements for the welfare of detainees and, therefore, they play a valuable role in maintaining public confidence in this important area of policing. ICVs are members of the local community who volunteer to check on the welfare of people detained in police custody.

Successful applicants will be appointed to one of four Panels and will undertake random, unannounced visits of police cells to ensure those individuals detained are being cared for appropriately by checking on the conditions and talking with willing detainees. An ICV will be expected to make a visit once every six weeks at one of the following custody suites:

  • East Panel – Custody Suite in Blackburn
  • Western Panel – Custody Suite in Blackpool
  • Northern Panel – Custody Suite in Lancaster
  • South Panel – Custody Suite in Preston

There are no qualifications needed but applicants must:

  • Be over 18 years of age;
  • Live or work in Lancashire;
  • Be a resident in the UK for at least three years;
  • Demonstrate excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrate sufficient time, flexibility and commitment to carry out the role of a custody visitor;
  • Be independent of the police, impartial and work in a non-discriminatory way; and
  • Be able to maintain confidentiality.
  • Please see Person Specification for additional criteria.

For additional information about the role of an Independent Custody Visitor, please see below ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. Should you require any additional information, please contact the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner on 01772 533587.

Frequently Asked Questions

When there are vacancies, the area we are recruiting for will be listed here.  Please note, we do not recruit ICVs for areas outside their home area.

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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:

The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston