19th January 2021 News

New Lancashire police chief confirmed as he outlines vision for policing

New Lancashire police chief confirmed as he outlines vision for policing

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s preferred candidate as the next chief constable of Lancashire Constabulary, has been backed by the county’s Police and Crime Panel.

Chris Rowley, who will replace current Chief Constable Andy Rhodes in the spring, went through a thorough recruitment process that included key partners and stakeholders.

During the Police and Crime Panel’s confirmation hearing, Mr Rowley was asked questions about the role, his experience to date and the future of the force under his leadership.

He talked about his vision for Lancashire Constabulary going forward, the importance of strong collaborative working, and ensuring all our communities have a voice whilst delivering an effective, efficient service which supports victims of crime, makes our area safer and delivers value for money.

Chris has been Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police since 2017, overseeing a broad portfolio including performance, strategic change and communications. Prior to this, Chris worked in West Yorkshire Police for some 25 years, including as Temporary Assistant Chief Constable with responsibilities for crime and operations.

Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner said:

“Appointing the Chief Constable is one of the biggest decisions I will make and I’m delighted that the Police and Crime Panel has confirmed Chris Rowley in the role after hearing his plans for policing in Lancashire.

“Chris has proven throughout the process that he is an exceptional candidate, in a very strong field of applicants, who will put his vision for Lancashire Constabulary into action.

“By building on the foundations left by the current Chief Constable Andy Rhodes, I’m excited to work with Chris to ensure policing here in Lancashire delivers the very best possible service for the people of the county.

“Ultimately, everything we do is aimed at tackling crime, supporting victims and making our communities safer and I know that Chris will hit the ground running from day one.”

Incoming Chief Constable Chris Rowley added:

“I am honoured to be selected by the Police and Crime Commissioner to  be the next Chief Constable of Lancashire police. A Constabulary which has an outstanding national reputation for delivering innovative solutions and services.

“I am looking forward to building on the excellent work that both Mr. Grunshaw and the current Chief Constable have developed over many years. My role is to serve and support the officers, staff and the communities of Lancashire. I have a clear ambition to find long term sustainable partnership based solutions, which will reduce crime and deliver the aims and objectives of the Police and Crime Plan.”

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