Declaration of interests, allowances and gifts and hospitality


Declaration of personal interests

To ensure openness and transparency, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) declares his personal interests. The PCC must declare his personal interests in the Standing Register of Interests. These must be registered with the PCC’s monitoring officer within 28 days of starting his term of office. If these change, the PCC must send an updated notification within 28 days.

Current PCC/DPCC:

Register of Interests – DPCC – 2023

Register of Interests – PCC – 2022

Register of Interests – DPCC – 2022

Register of Interests – PCC – 2021

Register of Interests – DPCC – 2021

Previous incumbents:

Register of Interests – PCC – 2014

Register of Interests – PCC – 2015

Register of Interests – PCC – 2016

Register of Interests – PCC – 2017

Register of Interests – PCC – 2018

Register of Interests – DPCC – 2018

Gifts and Hospitality Register

View the gifts and hospitality register


Information about the allowances (expenses) that can be paid to the Commissioner can be found on our Allowances Page.

Official Secrets Act 1989: Notification Notice

PCC 2024 – Notification Notice

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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston