3rd December 2020 News

White Ribbon lights up Blackpool

Led by Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw, councils across Lancashire including Blackpool Council and partners including Lancashire Police have been supporting the White Ribbon campaign each year to raise awareness of domestic abuse and to highlight support services for anyone affected.

The Commissioner said: “It is fantastic to see Blackpool come out in support of the White Ribbon Campaign again this year.”

“With the ongoing pandemic and people continuing to spend more time at home than usual it is more important than ever to highlight support for anyone who finds themselves in an abusive relationship.”

“Abuse has a long lasting impact on individuals and their families and is all too often witnessed by children which must be stopped.

“Violence in any relationship is unacceptable and campaigns like this help to spread that message, to challenge abusive behaviours and to let people know that help is out there for them.

“Local organisations are ready to offer support and I would urge anyone affected to get in touch.”

Councillor Jo Farrell from Blackpool Council added: “Tackling domestic abuse is really important to us here in Blackpool and we are proud to support the White Ribbon Campaign once again.”

“Our local services like Fylde Coast Women’s Aid make a real difference to people’s lives and it is important that local people know about them.”

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive for White Ribbon UK said: “We are delighted to see the level of support our campaign receives here in Blackpool and across Lancashire as a whole.

“It is heartening to see the amount of partner organisations who are White Ribbon accredited and the growing number of White Ribbon Ambassadors.  It is through the actions of our supporters that the campaign to raise awareness and end violence against

women can make a significant difference.”

More information about the White Ribbon Campaign can be found at www.whiteribbon.org.uk.

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